A Beautiful Encore (Updated)

A Beautiful Encore - an old song turned new

Back in 2018, I wrote a song called “A Beautiful Encore” and I recorded it very crudely, partly because my recording skills were not great, and because I was just about to embark on my new journey of living overseas. I had the help of my friends Jay R Beatbox and Hassan, local Las Vegas artists to help add some dimension to the song. I even made a quick music video with the help of my friend Adam. here is the video.


Fast forward another 5 years to 2023. I am in Perth, Australia and one of my goals is to really learn how to record better, and be a music producer. So I came back to this song realizing I could still utilize all of the original elements of the song, but just replace my vocals, guitar playing, and add some drums and other sounds to give it a more polished finish. And that’s what I did! I finally finished the song and released it to Spotify, and of course I made a new YouTube video with the updated version of the song.

here’s a link to the music page, you can help support me by downloading the song for $1 or you can also listen on Spotify.

Daniel Park
Guitar. Violin. Voice.

Crown Perth Residency


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